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Concerning Spiritual Gifts | My Healthy Church®
Concerning Spiritual Gifts
Concerning Spiritual Gifts
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Concerning Spiritual Gifts
by Donald Gee

Explores the supernatural works experienced in the Early Church and defends the premise that the Bible is inspired Word of God.

Product Details

Format: eBook
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781607313274
Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
Pub. Date: May 8, 2012

Meet the Author

Donald Gee (1891-1966) came to the Pentecostal experience in the early days of the twentieth century outpouring in England. He was a pastor, conference speaker, Bible college president, prolific writer, and editor. He also was one of a small group of men who established the Assemblies of God in Great Britain and Ireland in 1924. Gee wrote more than thirty books, including the Pentecostal classics Concerning Spiritual Gifts and The Fruit of the Spirit, which helped the fledgling Pentecostal Movement throughout the world.

Table of Contents


  1. Spiritual Gifts
  2. Are Spiritual Gifts for Today?
  3. The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
  4. The Word of Wisdom
  5. The Word of Knowledge
  6. Faith, Gifts of Healing, Working of Miracles
  7. The Gift of Prophecy
  8. Discerning of Spirits
  9. Tongues and Interpretation
10. The Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit
11. The Bestowal of Spiritual Gifts
12. Abuses: Their Cause and Cure
13. Some Difficulties Considered
14. A Look in Three Diretions

Addendum: The Word of Knowledge
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