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NextGen High Scores

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NextGen High Scores
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NextGen High Scores: How to Win at Ministry to the Next Generation
by Lee Rogers


Grounded in research and illustrated with real-life experience, NextGen High Scores explains in practical language the most common behaviors, practices, and strategies of kids and youth pastors who make a lasting impact. Making a lasting impact requires becoming the kind of leader who can stay rooted in God’s call to a church and community for the long term. NextGen High Scores will provide a boost for any kids or youth pastor on this journey.

This book covers the personal commitments, relational habits, ministry practices, preparation experiences, and spiritual diligence of some of the best kids, youth, and young adult pastors across the United States. In addition, pro tips from high-level leaders in NextGen ministry are found throughout each chapter, as well as valuable information for lead pastors and church boards to better understand how a church can win at kids and youth ministry. NextGen High Scores is a must read for anyone directly leading or giving oversight to ministry to the next generation.

Product Details

Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN: 9781607316978
Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
Pub. Date: March 2024

Meet the Author

Lee Rogers is a NexGen ministry veteran with over twenty-five years of experience working with young people in the church. A frequent speaker for youth camps, retreats, and conventions, Lee has served the next generation in both urban and rural settings, served as a Youth Alive missionary, and led youth ministry efforts on the state and national levels. He is the author of Initiate: Powerful Conversations That Lead to Jesus, and the lead author of God So Loved: A Student’s Guide to Sharing Jesus at School and I Dare leading or giving oversight to ministry to the next generation.

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